EITI Board Gets Four New Members, As Niger Rejoins Initiative

The Extractive Industries Transparency Initiative (EITI) has admitted four new members into its global Board running from 2019-2022.
The new Board members are Oleksii Riabchyn, Deputy Minister for Energy and Environmental Protection (Ukraine), Ego Syahrial, Secretary General of the Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources (Indonesia), Victor Huamán, Vice-Minister of Hydrocarbons (Peru), and Dyveke Rogan, Senior Analyst of Norwegian Bank Investment Management (Norway).
The EITI has a total of 41 Board members out of which 14 of them are women. With the EITI Standard now including provisions on gender disclosures, the movement on shaping a more gender-inclusive extractive industry is gaining momentum.
Meanwhile, Niger has rejoined the EITI becoming its 53rd member country and the 26th in Africa.
The country previously implemented the EITI for 10 years, but withdrew in 2017. Since then, a more robust process has been established for civil society participation. The country’s renewed commitment to extractives transparency will be an opportunity to spur public debate and reform.
Extractives play a significant role in Niger’s economy, accounting for 8percent of GDP and 50percent of exports. In January 2019, Prime Minister of the Republic of Niger Brigi Rafini publicly announced the Government of Niger’s intention “to resume its place within the International EITI and to play, fully and responsibly, as it has always done, its role in the governance of the extractive industries,” according to the EITI news release.