Oil Find Made Offshore Gabon

Panoro Energy has confirmed that the Ruche North East Marin-1 (DRNEM-1) well has discovered oil in the Dussafu Marin PSC, offshore Gabon.

The well, drilled by the jackup Borr Norve in 115 m (377 ft) water depth, had targeted additional oil resources in the presalt Gamba and Dentale formations in the greater Ruche area.

Results suggest these resources can be developed at a future point with the existing Ruche field discoveries 3 km (1.86 mi) to the southwest made by Panoro in 2011.

DRNEM-1 reached a vertical depth of 3,400 m (11,155 ft) within the Dentale formation, intersecting around 15 m (49 ft) of good quality oil pay in Gamba and 25 m (82 ft) of oil pay in stacked reservoirs in Dentale.

A side track will likely follow to appraise both the Dentale sands in an updip location and the lateral extent of the Gamba reservoir.

The FPSO BW Adolo, which is now connected to the mooring system at the location in the PSC, should produce first oil around the turn of this month.

Source: Offshore

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